More About Me

My Mission

I am hoping to create the guide I wish I had right now.

I have no business experience and have struggled to figure out how to get my business idea off the ground. I decided that I will post everything that I do so that others can learn from my successes and failures. 

This Blog

Follow my blog to learn step by step how to grow a business with no business experience.

I will lay out my exact path on starting a business and hopefully answer questions like; How to start a business? And can I start a business while in school?

I will summarize my main learning points to be successful, I will share which business books are most helpful for startups, and I will review every website available for company growth to best provide you every tool you’ll need to start your business right.

This Community

I am hoping that other new or struggling entrepreneurs will find their way here. Or that people will simply find my story interesting enough to follow. I hope we can come together to uplift one another and guide each other as we navigate our own life journey.